Monday, March 16, 2015

NH10 Reviews

NH10 turned out to be more nail biting than I had presumed. It touches upon a very sensitive topic prevalent in the society today, Honor Killing. While India boasts of providing equal rights to everyone, but when it comes to choosing someone to love, families are ready to cut down throats in the name of so called self-respect.
The story starts with Anushka being at the receiving end of an attack at a crossing on the streets of Delhi, which prompts her to get a revolver for self defense.
Anushka and Neil plan out a trip to celebrate Anushka's bday. They park along an eating joint on NH10 when they come across a couple being dragged by a few people and taken away in an SUV.
Neil tries to help but is snapped back in return and the goons take off. Neil, while getting back at the wheel again, is not able to accept the insult and decided to teach them a lesson, seeing the SUV a few turns away. He follows them, and finds the group beating the couple in the forests. Eventually even Neil and Anushka are caught, but they manage to escape with the revolver, with which Neil shoots down 2 of their group members but gets stabbed on his leg in return. The next part of the movie completely focuses on Anushka being the lead, running around places at night to get help for her injured husband Neil. With goons chasing her, she tries taking help from the cops who, are unfortunately are part of the conspiracy and try to take her down. But she manages to run off to take help from the Sarpanch of the village, an elder woman herself, who takes her in. After finding out that the poor girl being murdered was her daughter, she comes to know of the blunder she made. She is locked down till the goons, Sarpanch's sons, come back and beat her. Lucky girl manages to run off again with their SUV, only to find out her husband lying in mud, dead. She screams and cries with her voice being suppressed by the sound of a running train(ironic). She comes back to the village and avenges her husband's death by crushing down the goons by their own vehicle.

The story showcases a sorry state of affairs in many regions of India including NCR. its not a gender based issue and even women of the family support it without remorse. Freedom to love, to decide one's life partner doesn't reside with oneself anymore. Sadly this issue roots up from much deeper issues of caste and religion. Caste has engulfed this country for so long that inter caste marriages are considered an unforgivable sin. Villages with no proper education are still living under baseless customs. Death is the penalty given to those breaking them, and what one gets to see on their eyes is hatred and anger, raising a serious question on the so called civilized minds. Have we really reached a point, where killing another human being, for the sake of irrelevant rules is such a small task that no one is afraid to do it. Is there still hope for this species, or is it a point of no return ?

Hats off to Anushka's acting.  Specially, when she smokes a cigarette in front of the man she is about to kill , her eyes gleam of liberation and freedom, something that is being taken away from women today !!

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